General terms and conditions of sale

Art. 1

The following terms and conditions of sale form an integral part of the offer, the concluded contract and the accompanying invoice. The customer expressly agrees to these terms and conditions to the exclusion of all others.


Art. 2

The price quotation of the offer and the concluded contract always exclude VAT. VAT is always charged on the invoices. This VAT is always payable by the customer.


Art. 3

All possible additional costs to pay invoices (in particular bank costs for payments from abroad) are always at the customer's expense.


Art. 4

Invoices are payable on the due date without discount. All invoices remaining unpaid after this deadline shall bear interest from the due date until payment at a rate equal to that set out in article 5 of the Belgian law on late payment in commercial transactions of 2 August 2002 (BS, 7 August 2002).


Art. 5

Non-payment on the due date entitles C-TARGET BV to suspend all pending orders, performances and agreements and entails that non-due invoices shall become immediately due and payable without any reminder being required.


Art. 6

Any complaint relating to an invoice must, under penalty of inadmissibility, be made by registered letter within 15 days after dispatch of the invoice. Non-compliance with the deadlines related to complaints automatically entails the inadmissibility of the complaint. In the event of a timely and justified complaint, the responsibility of C-TARGET BV is limited solely to the reorganising of a disputed training session or to a reduction on the disputed invoice. Under no circumstances can the financial liability of C-TARGET BV exceed the amount charged for the disputed services.


Art. 7

C-TARGET BV undertakes to respect the agreed dates, except in the event of force majeure. In this case, an alternative will be sought together with the customer. Such force majeure shall not release either party from its obligations: these shall only be suspended.


Art. 8

Cancellation of contractually agreed dates for training - team building - team coaching - team support by the client is only possible under the following conditions:

  1. payment of 50% of the agreed sum to C-TARGET if the cancellation is notified in writing no later than 2 months before the agreed date of execution
  2. payment of 75% of the agreed sum to C-TARGET if the cancellation is notified in writing between 2 months and 1 month before the agreed date of execution
  3. payment of 90% of the agreed sum to C-TARGET if the cancellation is notified in writing within one month before the agreed date of execution.


In all other cases, including if the customer cancels the contract when performance has already commenced, payment of the full agreed sum must be paid to C-TARGET BV.


Art. 9

Changes to contractually agreed dates in training - team building - team coaching - team support by the client are only possible under the following conditions:

  1. payment of 0% of the agreed sum to C-TARGET BV if the request for amendment is notified in writing no later than one month before the agreed date of execution
  2. payment of a supplement of 25% of the agreed sum to C-TARGET BV if the request for change is notified in writing between one month and two weeks before the agreed date of execution
  3. payment of a supplement 50% of the agreed sum to C-TARGET BV if the request for change is notified in writing as served from two weeks before the agreed date of performance.


In all other cases, cancellation shall be deemed to have occurred and Article 8 shall apply. In the event of a request for change of

dates, C-TARGET undertakes to schedule a new performance in consultation with the customer.


Art. 10

Cancellation or modification of contractually agreed dates for individual coaching, training or guidance by the customer is only possible under the following condition: payment of 0% of the agreed sum to C-TARGET BV if the request for change is notified in writing no later than 2 weeks (14 calendar days) before the agreed date of performance. In all other cases, the full amount of the session will be invoiced. In the event of a request for change of dates, C-TARGET BV undertakes to schedule a new performance in consultation with the customer.


Art. 11

External booking (training location, hotel, ...):

  1. The cancellation fees correspond to the cancellation fees charged by the external partner. These costs will be charged to the customer with an additional administrative cost of 50€.
  2. All additional expenses incurred by the participants during the stay will be charged to the customer.


Art. 12

Any dispute shall fall within the territorial jurisdiction of the courts in whose jurisdiction the registered office of C-TARGET BV is located.

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